Updates are coming in very quickly and everyone is heavily encouraged to continue to visit www.DivineCosmos.Com and this Site for these updates as well as visiting "The One Truth Forum" where if you join the "TOT FORUM" you can join in with the "Questions & Answers" are being done on a daily basis at a link below. I am also able to be contacted via email through this site.
(UPDATE 2/28 From C2C Show Below) & "Correction of some comments/information"
MAJOR UPDATE 3/11: 3/10 Joint SSP Alliance, Political, Contacted Persons & "Sphere Alliance" Conference where The "Sphere Allies" introduced the 2nd of 4 of their "Allied Beings" (Described Below in Report Summary)
It is time that I bring together the information I have shared on a couple of Forums and with a couple well known Researchers about the relatively "Recent Arrival's" of the "Sphere Beings" and their "Allies" to our Solar System. I have given some very detailed information to only ONE well known researcher that I have learned to trust and respect.
I had caught a lot of negative feed back from some of the "Programs" because of the nature of the information and the fact that I was not "Cleared" (Or "Chosen") by "Them" to release the information that I have been releasing for some time now (Although the "Blue Avians" & "Sphere Beings" seem to feel otherwise). The manner in which I released some information in a "Shot Gun" manner in the recent past offended a couple groups and I have been picked up and "Interviewed" for those actions. However some of these "Forces" have urged me to continue in a much more conservative manner beyond the scope of approval of any "Secret Earth Government" or "Other Organizations"... "Blessings".
(You have to realize the words "Chosen" and "Special" should always raise red flags in any Government Program or "ET Contact" scenario!)
I will be adding the information here in sequence over the next few days. The "Sphere Beings" have "4 Allies" of which only 1 has made them selves known. These are the "Blue Avians" (AKA Blue Bird Aliens).
There are many who are being visited by "Blue, Indigo & Violet Orb Beings" who have seemed to just present themselves and disappear. They have actually been presenting themselves in order to communicate with those persons subconscious or "Higher Selves" and not directly to these people "Consciously".
These people have reported seeing these (Blue, Indigo & Violet) "Orb's" appearing in their presence between the size of "Ping Pong Balls" and "Medicine Balls" and "Pulsing" then leaving their presence.
There will be much more information coming in the near future about these "Sphere Beings" and their "Allies" from myself and other sources. However there are a few sources that are putting out some disinformation about these "Sphere Beings" and their "Allies"... Even some of the "Elite" were confused about who they were in the beginning believing them to be the return of "Their Gods"...
This mistake by the "Elites" can be traced back to the information presented by "David Wilcock" recently at the LA "Conscious Life Expo" and the information of the MANY MOON BASES in existence.
(David Wilcock) Secret Space Program Livestream TONIGHT! (Honestly, This is a MUST VIEW presentation, Audio alone will not do it justice!)
CLICK HERE TO ORDER POST-CONFERENCE TICKETS (LIVE AND IN-PERSON ONLY)"THEY" (The "Elite") were very unpleasantly surprised when these "Sphere Beings" turned out to be the opposite of what they were excited about. (NOT The "Return of the Sumerian Gods" as they had suspected since these "Sphere Craft" had first began to appear and suddenly "Cloak" in our Solar System some years ago... Slowly building up their numbers coming in from the directions of both the Oort Cloud and "Entering" the System via the "Sun" (As though it were a "Stargate")...
The following and recent "Forced quarantine" of the Solar System from the fleeing "Elite" via "Craft" and "Portals" since that time has sent many of them in a state of panic and confusion. These "Beings" in these HUGE "Sphere Craft" ARE NOT who they thought they were...
This is the topic we will delve into more deeply in coming days.
Please be patient and stand by for incoming and significant information.
I will SOON be posting more information HERE very soon... In much more detail than EVER presented on the recent "TOT Forum" (The One Truth) or Project Avalon Forum.
UPDATE: 2/28 Info from 2/25 Coast to Coast Show mentioning "Blue Avians" and "Spheres".
Below Question was asked on the TOT Forum (Link Below) and I have had several discussions with those "Above Me" on this "Honest Mistake" made at a very late hour (Early AM) interview.
Thank you again for your continuing and awesome information.
With reference to the following statement (the info of which may have originated from you):
“[...] Wilcock reported that around 100 enormous spherical ships around the size of Neptune have recently come into our solar system. It appears that four different types of beings from the ships have had contact with Earth's cabal, most prominently the Blue Avians [...]”
(GoodETxSG: These "Spheres" range from sizes of the Moon, Neptune to the Size of Jupiter. Most are in the Moon Sized Category with fewer being in the Neptune to Jupiter Sized Categories. THE SPHERE BEINGS AND THEIR ALLIES HAVE REFUSED TO SPEAK TO OR EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CABAL OR TO ANY OTHER ET RACE IN THE SOL SYSTEM! They have only spoken to the ONE HUMAN SSP That has allied with them against the "CABAL GROUPS" AKA Secret Earth Governments and THEIR OFF WORLD ALLIES! They have also made contact with "Civilians" on the Planet Earth separately from their relationship with the ONE EARTH SECRET SPACE PROGRAM. This was a mistake made by DW in an "Off the Cuff" statement in a very late night/early morning interview, and I have had to deal with quite a bit of blow back from it Tonight from some "Unhappy People". I wanted to make this clear and I am sure DW will correct this and make it clear in his upcoming articles and information focusing on these groups as I told "Others" earlier tonight.
He was most likely tired after a long interview and it was Coast to Coast AM and was at this point the end of the interview and in the early morning hours. Though I do not speak for DW by any means, I also want to make that clear. I am just speculating as to what may have occurred.
Wow, I have had to say that a lot tonight. I am off to bed, TY for asking the Question and giving me a chance to respond. I was going to write something up on this tomorrow since it was such a big deal among those "Above" me.)
While "Live" on the Radio/Internet doing shows mistakes happen. "To Err Is Human"... You have no idea how much raw data is involved in these complex topics and has to be remembered.
As exhausted as I am right now after the grilling I just had I would hate to have to try to go on a show and answer questions. I would "Err" all over the place right now... I am off to sleep. Thanks again for the excellent questions as usual.
Disclosure and the Secret History of Our Solar System-- Radio Show [Major Updates!]
http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1174-disclosure-history(Major Update by David Wilcock 3/03 On "Blue Avians"
[UPDATED] David Wilcock: 100 spheres the size of either Neptune or Jupiter have entered our solar system in the last 2-3 years
David comments on Fulford’s latest: Benjamin Fulford: Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins
Got in early this time. My own sources independently confirmed that Charles would never become King, and would be forced to abdicate to William, so I do have independent confirmation on that.
The ET side of things has gotten very interesting, as I revealed in the radio show I did with George Noory last Wednesday night.
100 spheres the size of either Neptune or Jupiter have entered our solar system in the last 2-3 years. There were many others the size of our Moon that came in between 1999 and 2001.
The Pentagon and Cabal people got really excited about this at first because they thought these spheres were the return of their Anunnaki gods. However, the spheres remained cloaked with an advanced system that did not allow them to see inside, and did not respond to communications.
The Cabal used an advanced weapon to fire on one of the Moon-sized ones in mid-December. The object lit up, becoming a bright red spot in the sky that people saw (significantly smaller than the Moon, since it was farther away) and redirected the beam back to the base it came from. This caused serious damage and some loss of life.
Since that time we have had the no-fly zone around the earth and the quarantine around our solar system. No one who was already here is being allowed to leave — either from Earth or any of the “colonies,” as they are called. They cannot even get communications out. No one else appears to be able to get in either.
The group that has appeared from the spheres is called the “Blue Avians.” As silly as this may sound, they are eight-foot-tall humanoids derived from avian life, with birdlike heads and bright indigo-blue feathers. They have more or less normal-looking hands and feet. The head is a synergy between bird and human features. There are other avian types out there as well. It is not common but it does occur.
One of my insiders got pulled into a meeting that was very serious. We didn’t know if he was going to come out of it alive, or at least not without being heavily tortured and screamed at for what he had told me and what was leaked. Only later did we realize that the Blue Avians had personally requested him.
He was guaranteed by them that he would not be harmed. They told him many things. One thing they felt was very important was that they have not had ANY contact or communications with the Cabal. One of the five main factions in the Space Program, named Solar Warden, is allied with them now, and they are working with the Alliance on earth, but never the Cabal.
I had mistakenly said on Coast they had some contact with the Cabal and they corrected it.
They actually gave me some intriguing personal information. The other main thing they said was that Cabal people were defecting over into the Alliance and altering the plans. The Cabal people are pushing for “instantaneous violence” to solve the problem.
This is not going to be allowed.
Apparently the Avians are now “putting on the brakes” and “slowing things down a bit,” as it was about to go really wild, really fast, from what they were saying.
The key is that the Avians want us to move into a loving and peaceful world. They want this transition, similarly, to be as peaceful as possible.
That’s as much as I know now. I do not for a minute believe the insider was lying to me. He was deeply shaken and profoundly moved by this experience.
– David
3rd March 2015, 17:46#278
Today, 10:05#302
I expected ridicule and consider the "Sources" by their own actions. So far that has worked out well as they have ended up revealing more about themselves (And my point) than anything else and has proven itself “of absolutely no significance.” ...
I wont waste time in circular debates. I have found that many of these Forums attract not only some Solid and Interesting People to converse with but also so Very Broken and Unstable People as well... Anonymity of the Internet just makes a persons pathology more enhanced at times. Sometimes people just get bored and poke at others who wouldn't normally behave like "Internet Trolls" because of what they are going through in their "Real World Lives"...
You just have to learn to disengage with them and realize they are “of absolutely no significance.”
None the less, this some very new and important information/updates will be coming out soon on the "Sphere Being Alliance" along with "Images" and "Video".
Thank you to the person who sent me this video. I thought it would go well with the theme of the "Message" of this post... IMHO The entire short video is worth a watch. The changing of OUR World begins within Each Of Us...
Update: 3/07
There have been 2 Physical (Face to Face/Non "Astral") Meetings set up in the next 5 days between the Current SSP Ally (Alliance) the Leaders of "Defector Groups" of other programs and 2 Members of what the SSP's and Secret Earth Governments/Groups are now calling the "Sphere Being Alliance". This will compose of the "Blue Avians" and one of the "Other 3 Sphere Being Allies" that I have not met. I (Of no importance other than a simple tool) and a couple of other people will be brought in via "Shuttle" to a location to meet with the "Blue Avians" and the "Unknown Group" for the first meeting then will meet again with the "SSP Alliance" and New Members shortly after.
This is to be a very important meeting to "Synch" strategies and answer the many questions that those with the "Warrior Mentality" have raised about the "Sphere Being's " recent "Love", "Higher Consciousness/Service to Others" and "Higher Vibration" Message that involved a reduction of hostilities and violence that were escalating in Near Earth Orbit and some other "Colonies" in the Sol System.
MAJOR UPDATE 3/11: 3/10 Joint SSP Alliance, Political, Contacted Persons & "Sphere Alliance" Conference where The "Sphere Allies" introduced the 2nd of 4 of their "Allied Beings" (Described Below in Report Summary).
Link to this TOT Post at the Q&A Thread: http://jandeane81.com/threads/5178-Secret-Space-Program-ET-Federation-Delegation-amp-MILAB-quot-Experiencer-quot-GoodETxSG-quot-Q-amp-A-quot?p=841904671&viewfull=1#post841904671
Today, 09:12#348
Click below for some of the most recent info on these "Sphere Beings" and "Blue Avians" I have posted... (As I said, MUCH MORE to come here): Wise and Excellent quality of the people I am talking to have helped see the insignificance of the ridicule of the sources.
Multiple Secret Space Programs, Q & A for "GoodETxSG"
Example Posts of Q & A's:
14th January 2015, 19:36 (Member Name Removed Permission Required to post)
15th January 2015, 22:20#30
16th January 2015, 08:59#32
24th January 2015, 14:34#113
26th January 2015, 09:19#121
I have read over your blogs and posts on other websites.The United States, Russia/USSR, Germany, China had their secret programs to develop soldiers for the future, to even combat with ET's of the future.Just looking at what unfolded in WW2 and after WW2 shows this loud and clear.Even Japan felt that they had the "master race".
ReplyDeleteHow do you feel about the Holy Trinity? God Almighty, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit?
Your thoughts on WW3 and the book of Revelation, including Wormwood?
Your thoughts on The Greys, Men in Black, The Tall Whites, Nordics, Andromeda Galaxy stuff.The darker future with the NWO as they will control the European Union, including getting the Swiss into the union as well as Russia?
So much left to play out, are you ready for it all?
Best wishes.The Holy Trinity can help you and others.